October 22, 2024

Essential Pregnancy Testing: A Guide to Your First, Second, and Third Trimester Checkups

1 min read
Essential Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy is an exciting and transformative journey, but it also comes with a range of necessary health checkups and routine tests to ensure both the mother and baby are thriving at every stage. These routine tests are designed to monitor your health and the development of your baby, identifying any potential issues early so they can be addressed with the appropriate care.

From the first trimester’s blood work to detailed ultrasounds in the second trimester and important screenings in the third, each phase of pregnancy brings its own set of crucial tests. Understanding what to expect at each stage can ease your concerns and help you stay informed and prepared for the road ahead.

To give you a clearer picture of what routine testing involves, we’ve put together an easy-to-follow infographic that breaks down all the essential tests for each trimester. Whether you’re in the early weeks of pregnancy or approaching your due date, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into the tests you’ll encounter and how they contribute to a healthy pregnancy.

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Infographic provided by International Surrogacy Center, a top company to become a surrogate

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